
As a small business owner, we know you’re always looking for ways to acquire new customers and grow your business.

You may have a great product or service, but if you don’t have a way to reach your target market, it won’t matter.

Social media is one of the best ways to reach current and potential customers.

However, not all types of social media content will work for your business. After all, knowing where to start when there’s so much noise on social media platforms can be tough.

So, what types of social media content will help you stand out and connect with your target customers?

You must start by creating interesting and relevant content for your audience.

The key to creating content that works is to focus on quality over quantity — it’s better to post a few pieces of well-written and engaging content than to flood your followers’ feeds with low-quality posts.

When it comes to the types of social media content that work best for small businesses, we’ve got you covered.

Here are the 10 best types of social media content that are guaranteed to work.

1. Behind-the-Scenes Photos and Videos 

People love getting a peek behind the curtain, so why not give them one?

Posting behind-the-scenes photos and videos is a great way to show the human side of your business and helps customers get to know you better.

It’s a great way to build rapport with potential customers. Plus, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy — show them what your day-to-day looks like!

This could be anything from a quick tour of your office to a video of your team preparing for an event.

2. Customer Testimonials 

There’s nothing more powerful than a satisfied customer telling others about their positive experience with you and your business.

Posting customer testimonials on social media is a great way to build trust with potential customers and show them that you’re the real deal.

It’s best to post video testimonials whenever possible, but written testimonials work well, too.

Just make sure you get permission from your customer before you post anything. And if you’re posting a video, be sure to edit it down to the best parts — no one wants to watch a 10-minute video!

3. Educational/Informative Posts 

One type of content that always does well on social media is educational posts. People are always looking for new information, especially when it comes to their hobbies and interests.

If you can provide valuable insights into your industry, you’ll quickly gain a following interested in your service.

Make sure your educational posts are well-researched and informative. Otherwise, you’ll risk losing credibility with your audience.

And don’t forget to answer any questions your readers may have in the comments section or your DM!

4. How-to Guides 

Similar to educational posts, how-to guides are an excellent way to show off your expertise. But instead of just providing information, you’re giving your audience practical tips they can use in their lives.

How-to guides are especially popular on visual platforms like YouTube and Instagram. But they can also perform well on other sites like Facebook and Twitter if formatted correctly.

Remember, people love learning new skills, especially if it’s something they’re passionate about. So, if you can teach them something new, they’ll be sure to hit that follow button.

5. Engaging Questions 

Asking questions is a great way to engage with potential customers and get them talking about your brand.

Try asking open-ended questions requiring more than a yes or no answer, so people have something meaningful to say.

And make sure you’re active in the comments, responding to people’s answers. This way, they know you’re listening and truly interested in what they say.

This is probably one of the most important pieces of content you should create on this list. Why? Because social media is all about engagement. The more you can get people talking about your brand, the better.

The algorithm boost posts that receive tons of engagement and generate interest in your community.

6. Contest or Giveaways

Running a contest is a great way to generate excitement (and new leads) for your business. It’s a great way to get your following more involved with your brand.

People love winning free stuff, so consider offering a prize relevant to your products or services.

When running this type of campaign, it’s important to make the contest rules clear and easy to follow.

Oh, and make sure you promote the contest across all your social media channels — you want as many people to enter as possible!

7. Personal Posts 

People want to do business with people, not faceless corporations.

So, show the human side of your brand by posting a few personal updates on social media. This could be anything from sharing a photo of your team out for lunch to giving a shout-out to a loyal customer.

Another great idea would be to post about company milestones, like anniversaries or hitting a sales goal.

People love seeing the people behind the brand, so don’t be afraid to show them who you are!


Super easy and quick to produce, inspirational quotes are always great content for social media.

Make sure to choose relevant quotes for your brand and target audience.

And don’t forget to include images with your quotes! People are more likely to resonate with visually appealing posts.

People love seeing things they can relate to; a relatable quote is a perfect way to do that.

PS. You can even create quote images using free tools like Canva, then post them on your social media channels with a call-to-action in the captions or a story that would relate to you and your audience.

9. Industry News 

Keeping your followers up-to-date on industry news is a great way to show that you’re an expert in your field.

When posting relevant industry news, including your thoughts and opinions in your replies to comments is a great way for your audience to see that you have valuable insights to share.

The goal is to have them start coming to you for advice or be seen as the industry expert in this field!

10. User-Generated Content 

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to show your audience that you care about what they have to say — and it’s also a huge time saver.

When you repost or share UGC, not only are you getting free content, but you’re also building trust with your audience.

People are more likely to do business with a company that pays attention to their customers and is involved in their community.

UGC is any content your fans or followers create, like photos, videos, or written posts.

Not only does this content help promote your brand, but it also shows that you value your audience’s opinions.

When reposting UGC, make sure to give credit to the original creator. And if you can, include a call-to-action in your caption, encouraging others to share their content.

Level-Up Your Online Presence Today!

Now that you know how to create content that resonates with your target audience, it’s time to start taking action. Remember, you can use a mixture of any of the above so you can showcase your brand in a positive light.

The key is being consistent with your content and ensuring it’s high quality. This way, you’ll keep your audience engaged and coming back for more!

By following these tips, you can create social media content that will help you reach and engage your target market. So, what are you waiting for?